The Secrets to Growing a Training Business, revealed
'5 ways an LMS can Grow your Training Business', an upcoming webinar by the UpsideLMS team on Sept. 21 and 22, will help Training Companies in leveraging a Learning Management System to succeed in their business.
The business of a Training Company is complex; from running multiple training programs to selling training materials online, it has host of activities to do as a part of its day-to-day functioning. What it needs is an online system that not only simplifies the management of these activities but also helps it grow its business. However, there are many challenges that stop a Training Company from realizing its true potential.
Putting a spotlight on these challenges and revealing tried and tested ways to leverage a Learning Management System to mitigate those, is the webinar - '5 ways an LMS can Grow your Training Business'. To be presented by UpsideLMS team members - Dhaval Trivedi, Solutions Specialist, and Vivek Garg, Head of Sales, the webinar draws upon the experience of both in consulting clients as well as of UpsideLMS in serving Training Companies across the world. The 1-hour webinar is scheduled on Sept. 21 at 2PM AEST and again on Sept. 22 at 10AM EDT.
Key takeaways from the webinar:
• Common Challenges faced by Training Companies
• Leveraging an LMS to (overcome the challenges) and Grow Business
• (Real) Client Case Studies
Registrations for the webinar '5 ways an LMS can Grow your Training Business' are now open. Interested individuals can register below:
Sept. 21 at 2PM AEST https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2445799121484186884
Sept. 22 at 10AM EDT https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7599177135521515012