Upside Learning a leading training outsourcing company - 2015 Training Outsourcing Watch List
The recently announced 2015 Training Outsourcing Companies Watch List, by Training Industry Inc., recognises Upside Learning as one of the leading providers of outsourced learning services across the globe.
As part of Training Industry Inc.'s commitment to continuously monitor the training marketplace for the best providers of outsourced learning services, it recently announced the Training Outsourcing Companies Watch List for 2015. Amongst the eight companies from across the globe that it features, is Upside Learning, a leading provider of learning technology solutions.
Selection to the 2015 Training Outsourcing Watch List is based on the below mentioned criteria, with each participating company undergoing extensive research, including thorough analysis of its capabilities, experience, and expertise.
- Innovative service offerings
- Ability to provide services on a global basis
- Unique and proven approach to Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) solutions
- Quality of client served
Earlier, Upside Learning has been featured in Training Industry Inc.’s Learning Portal Companies Watch List successively from 2011 – 2014 and in its Content Development Watch List in 2014.
Amit Garg, Co- Founder and Director - Custom Learning Solutions, and Amit Gautam, Co- Founder and Director - Technology Solutions, expressed their joy on being featured in 2015 Training Outsourcing Companies Watch List. “We have been known for high quality services and comprehensive capabilities in training outsourcing for many years. Be it Content Development or Learning Management, we have been at the forefront, offering innovative, value for money solutions and services to organisations across the globe. Being a part of this year’s Training Outsourcing Companies Watch List is like a pat on our back”, they said.
The 2015 Training Outsourcing Companies Watch List is available for viewing via the TrainingIndustry website.