Upside Learning leads the field in innovation; recognised as an early adopter of the Tin Can API for FRED
Upside Learning’s innovative HTML-based Framework for Responsive eLearning Development (FRED) has been recognised as an early adopter of the Tin Can API under ‘Authoring Tools’ category.
In just over 6 months after its release, Upside Learning’s innovative HTML-based Framework for Responsive eLearning Development (FRED) has been recognised as an early adopter of the Tin Can API under ‘Authoring Tools’ category. This is a second recognition for the company from Tin Can. It has been earlier recognised as an early adopter of the Tin Can API for integrating the experience API into its proprietary courseware framework for creating custom learning courses for desktops and mobile devices (including tablets).
FRED enables faster and reliable delivery of responsive learning and performance support interventions for multi-device learning. It facilitates seamless content presentation and consistent delivery across different devices, ensuring an enriched user experience. It is a reusable framework with an existing library of 20+ templates, allowing for efficiency during development. FRED has a single source architecture so once the base version has been developed, content management is easier and much more effective as updates or additions need only be made once to reflect across all devices.
FRED allows for creation of multi-lingual eLearning, and is easily configurable to produce a SCORM- or Tin Can-compliant output. Its Tin Can compliance lets administrators capture learners’ activities at various learning stages and spot problem areas. Courses developed using FRED offer a high degree of flexibility in reporting, which results in efficient tracking, measuring and improving an organisation's L&D initiatives. It also includes accessibility support, and allows integration of social media components.
Amit Garg, Director and Co-founder of Upside Learning, who has been actively involved in development of FRED, commented, "FRED was over 12 months in the making and a product of our learning from numerous HTML5 and Responsive eLearning programmes. We are pleased to have it listed as an early adopter of Tin Can API. As strong believers in the mantra of 'Keep Learning', we continually strive to evolve our offerings to modern day technology to give our customers the best of workplace solutions that deliver results."
To know more about FRED, log on to - http://www.upsidelearning.com/uk/framework-for-responsive-elearning-development-fred.asp