Upside Learning Explains Why Mobile Learning Is The Future of Workplace Learning Through An Infographic
The Upside Learning team has released an infographic that explains how the Mobile World and the Changing Workplace together indicate a need and, at the same time, a Great Opportunity to move towards Mobile Learning.
Upside Learning is one the few learning technology solution companies that has believed in the potential of mobile devices for workplace learning, even when mLearning was in its nascent stage. The company has also taken steps in this direction by doing robust investments in mLearning R&D and offering a wide range of solutions and services that leverage the capabilities of mobile devices. To strengthen this belief further and to help organizations understand why Mobile Learning is the future of workplace learning, Upside Learning has released an infographic that demonstrates this in a visually appealing way.
The infographic is primarily divided into 3 sections – A Mobile World, Changing Workplace and A Great Opportunity, each having multiple sub-sections. The first section explains how the increasing sales of mobile devices, the whooping growth in the mobile share of web traffic, the growing adoption of mobile devices in the workplace, amongst other factors, has led to the evolution of 'A Mobile World'. While the second section details how the changing nature of work, increasing number of mobile workers and the influx of the millenials in the workplace is 'Changing the Workplace'. These two factors are together presenting a ‘Great Opportunity’ for Mobile Learning, which is captured beautifully in the third and the final section of the infographic.
Amit Garg, Director of Custom Learning Solutions and Co-founder, Upside Learning, commented, “Not too long back I had presented ‘Mobile Learning: The Future of Workplace Learning’ at the 2012 CLO India Summit. Our Marketing folks got a little creative and converted this humble PowerPoint presentation into an infographic, a rather beautiful one. This infographic is a product of rounds of brain storming and iterations, and the efforts, patience and perseverance of the Marketing team.”
Infographic: A Mobile World, Changing Workplace and A Great Opportunity.