Upside Learning’s Presentation At CIPD HRD 2012 On mLearning Implementation Out For Public Viewing
Upside Learning has released its presentation, titled ‘Implementing Mobile Learning In Workplace – Benefits, Strategy & Success Factors’, on SlideShare for public viewing. This presentation was delivered by Amit Garg as a part of CIPD HRD 2012’s free learning and networking on 26th April.
Under the ‘Technology for Learning’ area, as a part of CIPD HRD 2012’s learning and networking, Upside Learning delivered a session on Mobile Learning, titled ‘Implementing Mobile Learning In Workplace – Benefits, Strategy & Success Factors’, on 26th April. The slide deck of this 41 slider presentation is now available for public viewing on SlideShare.
Delivered by the Director of Custom eLearning Solutions at Upside Learning, Mr. Amit Garg, this presentation covers the key elements to be considered, and how to best utilize the available tools to maximize the impact while implementing a mLearning solution. Viewers can look forward to learning about the following topics.
- Understanding Mobile Devices
- Why Consider Mobile Learning?
- Mobile Learning Myths
- 6 Key Strategic Decision Areas
- Success Factors
The presentation is open for viewing at the URL below: http://www.slideshare.net/UpsideLearning/implementing-mlearning-in-the-workplace