Upside Learning Sponsors eLearning Network’s 25th Birthday Bash And Conference; To Showcase Its Revolutionary mLearning Platform, Upside2Go
Upside Learning announced the sponsorship and participation at eLearning Network’s 25th Birthday Bash and Conference to be held on 6th December at the Museum of London. The company will be demonstrating its revolutionary mLearning platform, Upside2Go, as a part of the ‘Innovation Showcase’ at the event.
eLearning Network (eLN) turns 25 years old this year. To celebrate this momentous occasion, eLN will hold an event showcasing the very best that eLearning has to offer, with ample opportunities for learning, discussion and networking. The event, called eLearning Network’s 25th Birthday Bash and Conference, will have Upside Learning as one of its sponsors.
Besides sponsoring eLN’s silver jubilee celebration, Upside Learning will also be showcasing its revolutionary mLearning platform, Upside2Go, as a part of the ‘Innovation Showcase’. Titled ‘Upside2Go– Innovation on the go’, the showcase session will highlight the wide range of features in Upside2Go and their application in workplace learning. The session will be delivered by Amit Garg, Director of Custom Learning Solutions, along with Alan Samuel, Director Client Solutions (UK) of Upside Learning.
“We are pleased to be a part of an event celebrating 25 glorious years of the eLearning Network, an organization which has always guided companies across the globe towards best eLearning industry practices. This event is a great opportunity for us to connect with like minded people from the eLearning industry and exchange our experience and knowledge with them.” said Amit Garg.
eLN’s 25th Birthday Bash and Conference will take place on 6th December, 2012at Museum of London. The one day event schedule comprises review of eLearning development over the last 25 years, a peek into the future trends of eLearning innovation and technology, an early look at the results of the 2012 Towards Maturity Benchmark research, several keynote sessions from eminent speakers and interesting Pecha Kucha presentations.
About eLN
The eLearning Network (eLN) is a non-profit, Community Interest Company run by the eLearning community for the eLearning community.
The eLN is the number one source for guidance on best practice and future trends in technology-based learning and development at work, with nearly 3000 members in the UK and beyond.