Upside Learning Completes Eight Successful Years
On 7th April 2012, Upside Learning completed 8 successful years of providing innovative learning solutions for organizations around the world. On this occasion it renewed its focus on improving corporate performance through effective learning.
Upside Learning, which began as a boot-strapped startup 8 years back, has come a long way since. It is one of the leaders in the learning solutions space offering award winning products and services. Today its offerings reach over 200 clients worldwide include the USA, the UK, Canada, Latin America, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Australia, Singapore, China, South Africa, and India.
The past year has been a very successful one for Upside Learning. Both its products – the Learning Management System - UpsideLMS and the revolutionary mobile learning platform - Upside2Go, won a Brandon Hall award each. In addition it received a Silver in the Learning in Practice Awards by CLO magazine and two 2011 Apex Awards of Excellence for its marketing team.
UpsideLMS has seen a strong growth (approx. 200%) in its client base and Upside2Go has had a successful beginning it its first full year of existence.
The company also released new versions of its products during the year. Upside2Go for BlackBerry was released in October 2011 and then for Android in February 2012. UpsideLMS Arabic version was released in October 2011, which was followed by the release of the latest version of UpsideLMS, version 5.0, in Feb 2012.
Riding on the increasing popularity of UpsideLMS and Upside2Go, and with a view to increase its footprint across the world Upside Learning announced a comprehensive partnership program for these products and have signed up new partners in various parts of the world.
As a part of its continued growth strategy and to be present closer to its client base, Upside Learning appointed a VP Sales for North America in 2011. Further, to support the growth demands and future plans, as a result of new associations in several geographies across the globe, the company augmented its team by approx. 20% over the last 2 quarters.
In last 12 months the company has increased its participation in online and offline trade events. It exhibited in trade shows like the CIPD HRD, ASTD TechKnowledge, ASTD ICE, mLearnCon, Learning Technologies, World of Learning. It also hosted a webinar titled ‘Learner Driven Learning Management System in a Global Environment’, in association with Brandon Hall. The company plans to conduct many such webinars, in association with renowned bodies like ASTD, eLearning Guild, Brandon Hall, in this year.
Commenting on its 8 year journey Amit Garg, Director of Custom Learning Solutions at Upside Learning, said, “It’s been a great journey so far. We’re proud to have helped several organizations around the world increase performance though our innovative and effective learning solutions. We’re very confident about the future and hope to continue growing in coming years. I thank all our clients and partners for their support and congratulate all our staff members who’ve helped us get here.”
Amit Gautam, Director of Technology Solutions at Upside Learning, added, “It’s a significant achievement for us both in terms of completing 8 successful years and to have earned a name for ourselves in the global space. It has been possible due to the trust our customers and partners have put in and continue to put in, and the hard work of our team that takes the efforts to help us achieve our vision. From where are today, the future of Upside looks very bright and I am proud of the same.”