Upside Learning Announces End Of Special Pricing For its Best Value LMS In December 2011
UpsideLMS, Upside learning’s best value Learning Management System, is available at a special price of $13500 only for a last few weeks. The special pricing was part of the company’s offer, initiated last October, for UpsideLMS.
Upside Learning’s multi award-winning, best value Learning Management System, UpsideLMS, with its special pricing of $13500 for unlimited users has been receiving enormous response since its re-launch in October 2010. Now, a year later, the company has announced its decision to end this special pricing in December 2011.
Organizations currently availing the special pricing are very satisfied with UpsideLMS and believe that an LMS costing $13500 per annum (for unlimited users) is the best value for money and is also far less than the annual maintenance fee as compared to many other LMSs. Additionally, maintenance, customer support and upgrades for life were also included in the special pricing.
Organizations looking to buy a new LMS or switch from an existing one can still benefit from the special pricing and get the best value UpsideLMS. The special pricing is available on the company’s website or can be received by contacting the company or registering for a live demo of UpsideLMS.