Traineasy Launches New Flagship Product, LMS-X
After two years in development, Traineasy's new flagship product, LMS-X is launched. In a move away from open source-based systems, LMS-X is architected with the PHP framework Laravel bringing huge design and security benefits to customers.
Since its inception in 2000, Traineasy has supplied best-of-breed e-learning software and services to its customers. From 2010, these have included Traineasy LMS, an integrated solution comprising Traineasy's compliance management software, its employee performance management (appraisal) software and the open source VLE, Moodle.
Users of Traineasy LMS include a large number of NHS Trusts, firms from the insurance/finance sectors and large corporates from the aviation/travel industries, all of which enjoy strong returns on investment through - not least - the powerful training compliance management functionality and live training compliance reporting, none of which can be found in any other Moodle-based product to quite the same degree as in Traineasy LMS - if at all.
In 2017, due to the Traineasy LMS roadmap extending even further to meet the evolving demands of the marketplace, the decision was made to develop a new generation LMS engine to use with Traineasy’s learning management and performance management (appraisal) software in place of Moodle.
LMS-X is now launched and available with everything customers have come to expect from Traineasy: Robust SCORM and AICC compliance, full suite of automatically generated emails, optional integrated performance management (appraisal) module, full suite of training, appraisal, performance management and real time compliance reports, classroom training support, ability to create dynamic audiences for training enrolments, fantastic support for flexible training compliance rules and now with ground-breaking functionality for supporting the use of video in learning, development and training compliance.
Tim Dyer, Traineasy’s managing director and CEO said, “The launch of LMS-X is hugely significant as it represents a major shift towards the use of video as a training medium.”.
Free, no obligation demonstrations of LMS-X are available. Contact [email protected] for more information.