The BILD and The Training Foundation complete the UK's most extensive survey of qualified learning and development practitioners
The British Institute for Learning & Development (the BILD) and The Training Foundation have collaborated to complete what is believed to be the UK's most extensive survey of qualified L&D practitioners.
The Report consolidates completed responses from 726 learning and development (L&D) practitioners who achieved a TAP qualification between September 2007 and January 2009. Respondents work in 379 different public and private sector organisations.
BILD Chairman Jack Wills commented: "I am very pleased to be introducing the first Research Report in the British Institute for Learning & Development's Skills & Qualifications in the Workplace programme. As is well known, the most important factor in achieving sustainable learning transfer is the skill of the learning facilitator, so it is highly appropriate that this Report throws a spotlight on exactly that issue. The Report is timely: in this challenging economic period employers look for assurance of quality and value in all areas of the organisation and the L&D function is of course no exception."
The Survey Report confirms the major contribution that TAP has been making to the skills base of UK employers.
The key findings are:
• TAP-trained L&D practitioners embed their new skills into workplace practice
Skills and techniques learned from TAP training courses have been embedded into work practice by nearly all (97.6%) of respondents, with more than half saying it has made a 'great difference' to the way they work (54.4%) and almost the rest saying it has made 'some difference' (43.2%). This shows the power of the methodology to transform behaviour.
• Learning events employing TAP methodologies result in enhanced learning experiences for learners
Almost all respondents (97.4%) said that learners give better feedback when TAP methodologies are used. The majority (66.6%) said this happens 'always' or 'frequently'.
• TAP methodologies are being beneficially employed by L&D practitioners in all subject areas, across all sectors and in all learning media
Respondents represented a wide range of L&D disciplines and environments across the private sector (57%) and the public sector (41%). Many subject matter areas were represented, including soft skills, compliance, technical and IT training.
• TAP-qualified L&D practitioners are deriving valuable personal benefits from their TAP qualifications and their application of TAP methodologies
Various employment-related benefits were cited: safeguarding their job (21%), promotion (6%) and increased salary (9%). A remarkable 78% of all respondents said that their self-confidence had been increased due to the TAP Learning System.
• There is a high level of advocacy for the TAP Learning System by respondents
On a scale of 0-10, the respondents rated their advocacy level at an impressive 96.4%. This exceptionally high figure shows the perceived value of the TAP Learning System.
Key Recommendation:
What the 2009 Survey has shown is that the TAP Learning System is delivering substantial improvements in learning effectiveness right across the public and the private sectors.
Since 1998, some 18,000 delegates have attended TAP learning events and achieved certification. However, there are more than 150,000 individuals employed in the provision of training and development services across the UK. The key recommendation is to expand use of the TAP methodologies by those L&D practitioners that are, as yet, unaware of the benefits that they, their learners and their employers, could be achieving.
To view and download the full 52 page survey report please click here.