The eLearning Network Announces New Logo, Re-designed Website and New Membership Structure
The eLearning Network (eLN), the UK’s foremost professional association of users and developers of all forms of elearning has unveiled a brand new look, along with news of a new membership structure this January.
The Network has introduced a new associate membership scheme which is completely free. The new level of membership is part of a drive by the eLN to encourage anyone interested in any form of elearning, whether as a learning or development specialist, designer, supplier, consultant, tutor, student or academic to become part of a new community to share experiences, best practice, issues and concerns.
Spear-heading the revamped eLN is new chairman Clive Shepherd, who said:
“The eLN is essentially a community of practice, in which members get to share experiences and support each other in their efforts to make successful use of elearning within their organisations. We believe this network will benefit by enfranchising all members of the elearning community, at whatever level and whatever the field of interest.”
Anyone involved in eLearning will be encouraged to register for associate membership through the eLN’s re-designed website which will offer social networking opportunities and its benefits, including collaboration, problem-solving and support. Associate members will also benefit from regular elearning news, a host of online resources such as white papers, podcasts and videos and the chance to participate in polls and surveys.
Full membership will continue to be available from £195 and offers a number of added benefits such as credits for free attendance at eLN conferences, discounted attendance at other eLN conferences, free webinars, free attendance at the annual Members Showcase event, and free annual subscriptions to both e.learning age and HCM magazines.
Clive added:
“The eLN has also added two further features to full membership this year with significantly reduced rates for our new ‘elearning induction’ courses for anyone starting out in the industry and a new series of free webinars on current topics, as well as reduced prices on conferences, journals, reports and courses offered by associated organisations.”
Full membership is available for individuals, teams/small firms and corporate organisations.
The eLearning Network is a non-profit making body that exists to promote information and best practice among the elearning industry. Anyone interested in joining the eLN’s and would like further information please see www.elearningnetwork.org.