eLN Celebrates 20th Anniversary at its Annual General Meeting
The eLearning Network (eLN) celebrated its 20th anniversary this year with the cutting of a cake at its Annual General Meeting.
Formed originally as The Association for Computer Based Training (TACT) in 1987, the eLearning Network (eLN), is the UK’s foremost professional association of users and developers of all forms of eLearning.
Speaking at the AGM held at the Society of Chemical Industry in London, Phil Green, chairman of the eLN said:
“We have had our most successful year yet with membership up 50 per cent from last year. We now have nearly 300 actively involved individuals in 150 member organisations as well as our first ever member from the United States.”
AGM attendees voted yes to delegate approving authority to the Committee and voted in new members for the coming 2007-2008 year. One of the Committee’s first jobs will be to vote in a new chairman as Phil Green is stepping down.
Other highlights of the AGM included a presentation from Howard Hills, chairman of this year’s eLearning Awards Judging Committee on the eLN’s first ever online membership survey. Howard said:
“The survey highlighted some of the key benefits of eLN membership including the opportunity to attend the conference programme, access to other members and their expertise and learning latest best practice across the eLearning industry.”
The eLN is a non-profit making body that exists to promote information and best practice among all those who are involved in the eLearning world, as well as act as a networking forum for its members.
eLN Committee 2007-8
Jan Seabrook Conation Technologies
Geoff Berridge Parataxis
Mike Alcock Atlantic Link
Viv Cole Academy Internet
Claire Line Lovells
Neil Lasher Trainer1
Joe Quilter PSP Learnix
Barry Sampson B & Q
Seb Schmoller Independent Consultant and CEO of Association of Learning Technology
Clive Shepherd Fastrak Consulting
Howard Hills Howard Hills Associates
For further information please visit http://www.elearningnetwork.org or email [email protected]