eLearning Network Announces Record Entries for eLearning Awards 2007
The eLearning Network (eLN), the UK’s foremost professional association of users and developers of all forms of eLearning has announced a record number of entrants in this year’s prestigious eLearning Awards.
This is the third year that the eLN, in conjunction with e.learning age magazine, has run the industry’s premier award scheme that seeks to recognise real excellence in elearning. Entries were invited from across the industry from companies, corporations and individuals whether commercial eLearning suppliers or eLearning end users.
Phil Green, eLN chairman said:
“Not only did we see a record number of entries this year, but standards were higher than ever before. As chairman of the eLN it is extremely rewarding to see this year’s entrants demonstrating that considerable innovation and excellence is being applied to elearning.”
Offering 11 entry categories including the Most Innovative New Product in eLearning, Meeting the Needs of Compliance, Achieving Inclusivity for Learners of all Aptitudes and Abilities, and the Most Tangible Project ROI, the Awards cover a broad spectrum of eLearning Programmes, Projects and Strategies.
Howard Hills, eLN committee member and chairman of the panel of judges said:
“The breadth of submissions has been much wider than before and it is apparent that many more organisations are getting in on the act of delivering or supporting learning with the use of technology. In addition there have been a number of entrants from business sectors for whom e-learning has, in the past been rarely used, producing some highly successful applications of technology within their sectors.”
New to this year’s Awards is the compliance category which attracted a wide range of very high quality submissions.
Howard continued:
“Its introduction to the awards has been fully justified by the quality of the submissions received. The range of submissions in this category demonstrated the clear benefit that elearning, in its broadest sense, can bring to the requirements of compliance.”
Despite the high number of entries Howard said the judging panel would have liked to seen a greater variety of projects applying technology for the on-line support of learners and also called for more companies to enter the Inclusivity category next year.
Proving return on investment appears to continue to be the most challenging category for entrants.
Howard commented:
“The judging panel is constantly seeking evidence of real business return from learning implementation and harder evidence than the merely anecdotal. Neither are the judges willing to nominate submissions that can only prove they have saved money by transferring to a different method of delivering training. The case for e-learning being cheaper is one that was proved many years ago by extensive comparative studies.”
Howard continued:
“The judges seek submissions for nominations that can provide a strong causal link to increased business revenue or reduced business cost outside that of training and learning costs. As in previous years those interested in submitting awards found that a very tough nut to crack.”
Successful nominations have now been notified and the winners will be announced at the eLN Awards Dinner in London on 8th November. If you are interested in attending the Awards Presentations please visit www.elearningage.co.uk/goawards.htm
For further information on the eLN and the Awards please visit http://www.elearningnetwork.org or email [email protected]