eLearning Network replies to Learning Light's proposal
At a specially convened meeting on 12th July, The Committee of the eLearning Network unanimously resolved not to accept the current proposal from Learning Light to transfer the membership of the eLN into Learning Light Membership Services.
At a specially convened meeting on 12th July, The Committee of the eLearning Network unanimously resolved not to accept the current proposal from Learning Light to transfer the membership of the eLN into Learning Light Membership Services.
Under the terms of the Constitution of the eLN, the Committee is mandated to make such decisions on behalf of its members. There will be no requirement for an Extraordinary General Meeting since the Committee does not intend to change the strategic direction or constitution of the eLN in any material way.
At the Annual General Meeting in November, members of the eLN will be empowered to appoint a new chair and organising committee. All members of the eLearning Network are eligible to stand for election or re-election, and expressions of interest are welcome and encouraged. The eLN will issue a statement to members, and will make a formal response to Learning Light in due course.