eLearning Network in discussions with Learning Light
The eLearning Network (eLN) - the UK's foremost professional association of users and developers of all forms of e-learning - has opened discussions with Sheffield-based non-profit organisation, Learning Light (LL), regarding the possibility of merging with LL's Membership Services division.
The eLearning Network (eLN) - the UK's foremost professional association of users and developers of all forms of e-learning - has opened discussions with Sheffield-based non-profit organisation, Learning Light (LL), regarding the possibility of merging with LL's Membership Services division.
At a meeting in London, on 7th June, with Mark Pittaway, the CEO of Learning Light, the eLN committee agreed to receive a formal proposition, which is in preparation. After careful and objective consideration, the eLN Committee will put the alternatives to the network's members to vote, under the terms of their Constitution.
Vaughan Waller, who has been Chairman of the eLN for the past seven years, has accepted the position of Head of Membership Services for LL. Consequently, he has stood down as Chairman of the eLN.
Phil Green, of Optimum Learning, has accepted the role of Acting Chairman while this process is carried out.
Green said: "On behalf of the eLN, we owe Vaughan Waller a debt of great gratitude for his outstanding contribution to this network. We have seen the eLN grow in strength and influence during the period of his leadership.
"We are glad that he will continue to serve on the eLN Committee, and we're grateful that he will continue as the eLN Administrator."