Book early, urges the eLearning Network
An intensive, hands-on conference, on instructional design for designers and developers of e-learning materials, being held in London on 29th September, has attracted so many delegates from an impressive collection of organisations, that its organisers - the eLearning Network (eLN) - are urging anyone who wants to attend but has not yet booked a place, to book now to avoid disappointment.
An intensive, hands-on conference, on instructional design for designers and developers of e-learning materials has attracted so many delegates from an impressive collection of organisations, that its organisers - the eLearning Network (eLN), the UK's foremost professional association of users and developers of all forms of e-learning - are urging anyone who wants to attend but has not yet booked a place, to book now to avoid disappointment.
Phil Green, acting chairman of the eLN, commented: "A similar eLN event, held at this time last year, attracted a capacity audience - and, because of the nature of the event, we had to turn away some would-be delegates. We wouldn't want anyone to be disappointed again this year - so please book your place as soon as you can."
The one day event has already attracted delegates from such major private sector companies as First Direct, Pfizer and Xerox; while the public sector is represented by the Home Office, Hertfordshire County Council, and the Land Registry and the education sector by Cranfield and Lewisham Universities.
The one day conference - held in London on Friday 29th September - will involve collaborating to develop a piece of e-learning from scratch during the day.
The objective is to take a simple, self-contained learning need, and create an e-learning solution in one of eight groups led by design and development specialists.
Each group will be challenged to create a distinctive version of the 'project', working with different goals, target groups and development tools (some with fully-functioned authoring systems and some with the commonplace Rapid Development tools that reside on everyone's desktop).
The event will give delegates chance to practise and compare one another's approaches to the five major phases of instructional design - all in one day! As the groups analyse, design, develop, implement and evaluate their pieces of e-learning, it is anticipated a good deal of fun and learning taking place, together with some interesting transactions between design teams and the development resources who, by invitation, will turn their ideas into a more or less 'finished' reality.
Attendance costs eLN members £95 + VAT; members of the British Learning Association, Association of Learning Technology, eLearning Alliance, Learning Light and NILTA pay only £105 + VAT, and non-members pay £125 + VAT. For further details - and to book a place at the event - visit www.elearningnetwork.org