eLearning Network in conference link-up
The eLearning Network (ELN), the UK's foremost professional association for users and developers of all forms of e-learning and E-Learning Age, the e-learning industry's leading magazine, are joining forces to present a one day conference on Wednesday 30th April at the Novotel in Hammersmith, London.
Under the heading of 'Where Knowledge Management meets E-learning', the conference will be chaired jointly by Peter Williams, editor of E-Learning Age magazine, and Vaughan Waller, of the TBL consultancy and the elected chairman of the ELN.
Waller commented: "Up to now, knowledge management (KM) has achieved a higher status - especially in boardrooms - than e-learning. This is not how it should be since KM and e-learning are more alike than either would be prepared to admit.
"Both KM and e-learning were born out of the IT revolution but they have grown up trying to do different things. Both KM and e-learning aim to spread knowledge but while e-learning includes aspects of skills development, KM is more focussed on systems and systems architecture.
"KM attempts to manage the tacit knowledge in an organisation's workforce - that is, knowledge that is inside people's brains, turning it into explicit knowledge in a form that can be easily accessed by others," he continued. "E-learning is turning tacit knowledge and best practice skills within an organisation into explicit knowledge in a form that can be easily accessed and learned and applied by others for different purposes.
"KM focuses on the storage and retrieval of knowledge. E-learning focuses on how people apply their knowledge," he said.
Williams explained: "The 'KM meets e-learning' conference will encompass case history presentations, breakout sessions and panel discussions, involving some of the leading thinkers and practitioners in the fields of KM and e-learning."
The full programme can be found at www.elearningnetwork.org Delegates can attend for £195 + VAT to attend, with special rates for eLearning Network (ELN) members.