News story

The New One Minute Manager – classic business book updated for a new generation

United KingdomLearning NewsThe Ken Blanchard Companies

HarperCollins publish 7 May The New One Minute Manager... updated by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson to reflect the new challenges facing managers in today's business environment; Ken Blanchard hosts webinar on The New One Minute Manager - 5 May.

Since its publication in 1982, The One Minute Manager has sold Thirteen million copies worldwide, and with 10,000 copies still selling every month it is one of the best-selling management books in history.

While the principles it lays out are timeless, our world has changed drastically since the book’s publication. The exponential rise of technology, global flattening of markets, instant communication, and pressures on corporate workforces to do more with less have all revolutionized the world in which we live and work.

Now, Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson have written The New One Minute Manger to introduce the book’s powerful, important lessons to a new generation. In their concise, easy-to-read story, they teach readers three very practical secrets about leading others—and explain why these techniques continue to work so well.

A sample chapter and a short video by Ken Blanchard are available to download at:

Published by HarperCollins – available from 7 May, 2015

Ken Blanchard will also be hosting a webinar on the topic of The New One Minute Manager on 5 May – 17.00 UK Time.