KREDO Learning Platform is a Top 20 Learning Systems In The World
KREDO Learning Platform by Tesseract Learning is listed in the Top 20 Learning Systems across the globe by Craig Weiss Group after assessing 1000+ learning systems.
The Craig Wiess Group looked at 1000+ learning systems in the world. Looking at the focus, design, approach, audience type (employee-only, employees and customers, and customers-only), audience size, representing nearly every industry vertical and released the list of Top 20 Learning Systems in the world.
Tesseract Learning is proud to see their learning platform KREDO as part of the Top 20 in the list.
KREDO is designed to facilitate, promote, and sustain professional growth in individuals and teams by providing quality content, including varying training strategies and structured assessment. These are designed to accommodate organizational requirements, identify skill gaps, build competencies, and complement existing training and development principles.
2022 is just around the corner and our priorities to empower the learning space is well beyond the necessities of today and the requirements of tomorrow. KREDO is about mastering the unforeseen expectations of learning space, driven by globalization’s resurgence through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tesseract Learning has simplified KREDO to be the people’s-choice. To be the learning platform that exemplifies being:
- Cross-Functional
- Cross-Generation
- Cross-Industry
- Cross-Segment
- Cross-Vertical
With KREDO, you get a platform that will catapult your learner’s ratings about a learning journey off the charts.
Here are a few of the world-class functionalities.
1. Distinctive Ecosystem Integration: Seamlessly adapt to your surrounding technology and make learning complete and pervasive through integration. Whether external content, video platforms, content curated from the web or even solutions in your existing ecosystem, our APIs provide you with that strong handshake. We have an API library that makes simultaneous operations possible.
2. AI-Based Recommendation and Personalization: Predict, detect, and respond to various learning requirements from learners to resonate with appealing course views or content that triggers interest in them. We understand learner profiles and provide a thorough analysis of assessment outcomes that add credibility to what every learner looks forward to in their learning journey.
3. Rapid Authoring and Publishing: Create the course you envision using the ready-to-use templates. Make it creative, intuitive, and structured. Work with “high-definition content”. Excellent content creation and management co-exist owing to a diverse template library, helping you build any content. What you want is what you get, which is why every course outcome will be the best version of what a learner wants to see. And for all your existing or any external SCORM courses, you can import them and publish them to your learner.
4. Learning Paths: Create a journey/curriculum with a focused outcome. Have an approach to create learning interactions through learning paths or a curriculum that makes every learner’s experience memorable. Focus on each business’s requirement and individual needs to achieve a focused objective relevant for every learner. You can manage how to ease into various types of content, consume them to your and your learner’s requirements in a structured manner.
5. Remediation: Focus on 100% success in your learning outcomes by building competent teams. Assist the learner in bridging an identified gap in learning. Remediation can be learning content within the course, PDF or a weblink. Through simple analytics, assess the competence of the learner based on their performance and remediation outcomes. Remediation is not a step back in the learner’s progress, but it only means the learner’s understanding hasn’t met the required benchmark and must be relooked at.
6. Memory Boosters: Knowledge recall at its absolute best through repeat and retrieve. It is common sense that any piece of information you learn, in almost all probability, you’d record that in your mind if it’s repeated. And at times, a scheduled repetition also helps. And memory boosters serve as that carrier to reinforce the connections of what you learnt earlier and where you need to reinforce the same.
7. Integrations: KREDO is integrated with some of the leading content providers in the world. KREDO also integrates through SSO with what’s available in your ecosystem which could be an HRMS, your choice of third-party content, importing SCORM packages, BI tools and other systems.
8. Analytics & Reports: Interpret your reporting data with ease and precision using sharp and distinct learner performance analytics. Both canned and custom reports are made available to look at learner performance and engagement, including reporting the learning business metrics. Statistics like training impact on objectives defined, time spent on a course, type of content that needs more work to be put in by the learner, and knowledge gaps are a few of the many data points we capture.
9. Gamification: Make learning enjoyable and intriguing through gamification activities to keep learners motivated and engaged. Based on what you need, our templates drive participation and increase the competitive edge. The gamification outcome will motivate and influence your workforce driving better interactions with your employees, consumers, and partners.
10. Organize Live Meetings: Meetings and discussions, organized right at your fingertips, and any role in the platform can set this up. Create any number of online training sessions and meetings directly through the learning platform by connecting with Zoom and Microsoft Teams. You can also retrieve recordings for further usage.
11. Social Learning: Create ongoing partnerships through open dialogue. You have an engagement quotient that is second to none and at par with industry standards of collaborative communication. The inclusion of social discussion threads makes peer-to-peer and other interactions seamless and transparent. Best practices are shared and even conceptualized down the road, through various communities.
From an LMS to a full-blown LXP shortly, KREDO’s transition in less than a year, has been exceptional. The manner in which the development team have been agile to customer asks and partner requests stems from the fact that KREDO’s architecture has a roadmap that works in parallel with the evolving business needs of the global landscape.
Customer support and service is one of our priorities. We have signed the Craig Weiss Group’s Certified Customer Support, a rigorous certification program that ensures that our support is validated through a series of checks and ensuring the KREDO team provides elite customer support and service.
Visit www.kredolearning.com for more information or schedule a demo.