Spacing Out to Level Up: Embrace Drips, Bots & Blogs to Reinforce Learning
OEB 2023, scheduled in Berlin from 22-24 November, is set to feature a pivotal session on "Spaced Learning." Guided by Shannon Tipton, the founder of Learning Rebels, the session aims to equip learning professionals with strategies to deliver effective training to an increasingly busy workforce. Through exploring the principles of spaced learning, attendees will gain insights to enhance training efficacy amidst tight schedules and diverse challenges.
The benefits of spaced learning through drip-feeding knowledge include enhanced retention, improved knowledge application, efficient time management, motivational boost, and long-term skill development. The session will cover how to plan, organise, and develop drip lessons using a framework that can be easily replicated in the workplace.
Participants will learn:
- How to determine if their content fits within the context of spaced learning.
- How to write engaging conversational content plans.
- How to apply drip-feed content
- How to choose the best tools for content and engagement.
“Spacing Out to Level Up: Embrace Drips, Bots & Blogs to Reinforce Learning” will take place on Thursday, Nov 23 at 16:30.
The full OEB 2023 Conference Agenda is online along with OEB 2023 Conference Ticket purchases and more information about the exhibition of new products and solutions, which runs alongside the conference.
Shannon Tipton
Owner, Founder, Learning Rebels
A workplace learning expert for 30+ years, Shannon Tipton fights for learning that sticks. As the founder of Learning Rebels®, she fixes training that’s broken and develops learning that delivers business results. Known for her Rebellious Rebuilding™ Framework, Shannon’s approach to learning reinforcement invites curiosity and strategy into workplace learning.