OEB Global Announces 2021 Themes and Call for Proposals
Themes for Online Educa Berlin (OEB) have just been launched and learning and education professionals are invited to submit ideas and insights to speak at this year’s event.
In a world changed forever by a global pandemic, no single word is more important than 'resilience.' It is the secret to overcoming the past, the key to the future.
But what do we mean by it? How can we become resilient? Should we learn resilience? Can it be taught? How should we invest in resilience? And how can we make learning itself resilient?
There is a wide range of topics that we will discuss including:
- Getting to Grips with Learning Design & EdTech
- Making Higher Education Fit for Purpose
- Collaboration between Sectors
- L&D's Influence
- The Individual in the Learning Organisation
- Stimulating Social Connectivity
- Reconceptualising Teaching, Training, Tutoring
- Using Data to Accelerate Outcomes
- Content for Good
- Achieving Policy Aspirations
Discover all formats and topics and submit ideas for a presentation, workshop or session by May 3rd.
Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor
Learning providers can position their brand and organisation as a pioneer and market leader to OEB's global community of 80.000+ learning, training, technology and L&D professionals.
- Promote your activities and enhance your brand visibility in the global EdTech market
- Build relationships with influential education professionals, workplace learning leaders and public sector representatives
- Discuss the latest data and market trends in digital education
- We have several packages available to suit different objectives and budgets, which allow you to strategically position your brand as a market leader with our international community.
To be involved get in touch at [email protected].
OEB news and views
Every month, the OEBcast Series brings you the latest news, views, trends and solutions from the world of technology supported learning & training. Our digest of developments covers key topics and helps you to keep up to date and ahead of colleagues and competitors.
Donald H. Taylor’s OEBcast covers outcomes and trends of the 2021 Global L&D Sentiment Survey, kicking off the Series on March 17.
Learn more and regsiter for this online event