Mind Tools research reveals the top skills needed to be a great boss
Mind Tools founder James Manktelow and deputy CEO Ollie Craddock are presenting at Learning Technologies 2018 about the skills needed to be a great boss, as chosen by more than 15,000 managers and leadership experts worldwide. New research conducted by MindTools.com, one of the world’s foremost providers of on-demand leadership, management and career skills training, has revealed the tools and techniques that are driving team and organisation success.
It can be hard to be a good boss. Many people are promoted into a management position based on their previous performance. But without the necessary training, background or support, they can lack the management skills and expertise needed to be an effective and successful boss.
With each promotion, comes different responsibilities, and increasing skill set requirements. There are different deadlines to be met, new reporting structures to deal with, underperforming team members to support, and new people to hire.
With all these new responsibilities both managing upwards and downwards, it can often be difficult to know where to start.
In a seminar at Learning Technologies 2018 entitled ‘The Top 100 Management Skills - Prioritised by 15,242 Managers Worldwide*, Mind Tools will introduce L&D professionals to just some of the key skills and techniques needed, to help both new and existing managers in their workplace.
Founder James Manktelow and deputy CEO Ollie Craddock will present the results from research carried out with over 15,000 managers and professionals worldwide as to what they see as the most important management and leadership skills.
From a Learning and Development viewpoint, they will use this research to explore the challenges faced with engaging people in learning, and the effective ways of engaging managers in their own development.
They will then combine this insight with clear actionable steps from their experience of working with global businesses and engaging 25 million learners each year, helping to deliver authoritative management development solutions, that will have a lasting impact on both the individual and the organisation.
As well as delivering this seminar, Mind Tools will also be exhibiting at Learning Technologies 2018, from 31 Jan-1 February on Stand C9.
James Manktelow, “If you’re keen to learn more about how Mind Tools can help you to get the most of your learners in 2018, be sure to drop by the Learning Technologies exhibition for a chat with the team, or visit mindtools.com/corporate for more information.”
Research Mind Tools conducted research in January 2017, with responses from over 15,000 managers and professionals across the U.K. and U.S. They provided their views on the most important tools and techniques in each area of management. Results from this research will be revealed at Learning Technologies 31 Jan-1 February, and in the book “Mind Tools for Managers - 100 Ways to be a Better Boss, published in May 2018.
* Source: mindtools.com research, January 2017.