UK’s Bristol University implements Lumesse TalentLink 12 to attract top academics and professionals in competitive environment
Lumesse, a global leader in integrated talent management solutions, today announced that the UK’s University of Bristol will shortly be implementing Lumesse TalentLink 12 to increase the efficiency of its candidate recruitment system and contend for talent in an increasingly competitive academic environment.
Lumesse TalentLink 12 will help the University
to source the right academic professionals and staff, not only in
the UK, but on an International scale, helping it to maintain its
global reputation and position within the top 30 of the QS World
University Ranking*.
Lumesse TalentLink 12's intuitive app-based technology will provide
the University with a career portal that will enable internal and
external candidates to track their application status, helping to
significantly reduce the administrative burden for HR staff and
costs associated with talent acquisition and management in the long
term. Lumesse TalentLink will also help the University of Bristol
to identify the best channels, both social and traditional, through
which to recruit top quality talent.
"The implementation of Lumesse TalentLink 12 is part of our
employee and candidate strategy to ensure we stay ahead of the
curve for talent acquisition in a highly competitive market," said
Eddie Procter, resourcing manager in HR at University of Bristol.
"However, recruitment is only part of our people strategy. We want
to be able to ensure we have a fully-joined up resourcing process
that helps our employees throughout their career paths. Our aim is
to increase people motivation and improve succession planning
within the University."
Lumesse CEO Matthew Parker commented: "This is a great example of
how the integrated talent management technology in Lumesse
TalentLink drives business benefits for our customers both in the
short term by helping them acquire the right talent and in the long
term through succession planning and increased cost savings."
About Bristol University
The University of Bristol is internationally renowned and one of
the very best in the UK, due to its outstanding teaching and
research, its superb facilities and highly talented students and
staff. Its students thrive in a rich academic environment which is
informed by world-leading research.