What kind of leaders do we need?
LNTV, May 26: Julian Stodd, author of The Humble Leader, joins Learning Now TV to discuss the values needed in leadership in 2022; Sukh Pabial discusses learning culture; Bob Mosher continues his series on learning and performance. Plus regular commentators, Robin Hoyle discusses clarity in leadership and Rob Clarke reports from Learning Technologies 2022.
On Learning Now TV this week Julian Stodd talks to Nigel about his newly-published book 'The Humble Leader'. Sukh Pabial discusses learning culture and his 'Five Levels of a Learning Organisation'. Bob Mosher continues his series on Elevating Performance.
Plus regular commentators: Robin Hoyle talks about why clarity from leaders is an essential part of any transformational or change initiative and Learning News reports from the Learning Technologies exhibition which ran earlier in May.
The next Learning Now tv live streamed programme is on Thursday May 26 at 10 am UK time. And the full programme will be available on catch up from the LNTV website three days later.
The full programme of interviews and features for LNTV May 26:
Julian Stodd talks to Nigel about his newly-published book 'The Humble Leader' which looks into the kinds of leaders we need in the times we are living through and it covers topics like humility and values-driven leadership.
Sukh Pabial discusses learning culture and his 'Five Levels of a Learning Organisation' which take into account the varying capability of L&D teams, how they might differ depending on size, and what level of influence they are likely to have on the organisation.
We present the second episode of Bob Mosher's series on Elevating Performance and here he outlines the 4 fundamental design principles in moving towards design for Performance First.
Our regular L&D commentator Robin Hoyle talks about why clarity from leaders is an essential part of any transformational or change initiative and without it they will undoubtedly fail.
Rob Clarke again presents our regular News Bulletin and this month he's been busy talking to people at Learning Technologies 2022.
The next Learning Now tv programme is on May 26 at 10 am UK time with the live social stream with Colin Steed starting at 9.50 am UK time.