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LNTV: The Transformation of L&D

LondonLearning NewsLearning Now tv

LNTV, Jun 30: Martin Couzins and Nigel Paine assess LinkedIn Learning’s 2022 report into learning and development ‘The Transformation of L&D’. Plus, how the Shaw Trust’s L&D team transformed to hybrid working and LNTV looks at THRIVE and its focus on people and culture.


On Learning Now TV this month Martin Couzins and Nigel Paine review a report from LinkedIn, ‘The Transformation and L&D’ and its implications for the workplace.

Michelle Parry Slater is in discussion with the Shaw Trust about how it helps people get back to work, including its own L&D team, following the pandemic.

Also on June’s programme: Helen Marshall from THRIVE is in discussion with Nigel about her role as Head of Learning, Robin Hoyle looks at the recent furore of L&D in the UK Civil Service, Bob Mosher continues his series, Elevating Performance and Rob Clarke has the latest news.

The next Learning Now tv live streamed programme is on Thursday Jun 30 at 10 am UK time. And the full programme will be available on catch up from the LNTV website three days later. 

The full programme of interviews and features for LNTV Jun 30:

  1. Martin Couzins and Nigel Paine discuss the newly-published survey report from Linked In Learning called 'The Transformation of L&D' and they discuss the main results and their implication for the workplace.

  2. Michelle Parry Slater talks to the Shaw Trust - a not-for-profit social enterprise that helps people get back into work - and they explain how their L&D department transitioned into hybrid working following the pandemic.

  3. Helen Marshall, Head of Learning at THRIVE, talks to Nigel about her multifaceted role at the organisation and how they are focusing on their people and culture in the post-pandemic world.

  4. Robin Hoyle looks at L&D in the UK Civil Service which is in the news about how much value in performance terms the Government organisation is getting for its spending. Robin considers the wider issues raised by these recent revelations.

  5. Bob Mosher continues his 6-part series exclusive to LNTV on Elevating Performance. In this 3rd episode, Bob concentrates on workflow.

  6. In our June News Bulletin, Rob Clarke from Learning News looks at how learners are learning in 2022 and what employers are asking their L&D teams to provide.

The next Learning Now tv programme is on Jun 30 at 10 am UK time with the live social stream with Colin Steed starting at 9.50 am UK time.