Skills and performance at PwC on Learning Now tv
On July’s Learning Now tv PwC’s Sarah Lindsell talks about her team’s role in ensuring consistency in L&D across a significant, large, global workforce; Charles Jennings discusses the launch of the 702010 Institute; plus interviews with Good Practice CEO Owen Ferguson; and introducing a new LNTV US correspondent, Tom Spiglanin.
On this month’s Learning Now tv, Nigel Paine interviews Sarah Lindsell, PwC’s Director of Global Learning and Transformation and 2016 CLO of the Year. Sarah explains how her team ensures consistency in skills and performance across PwC’s 200,000 plus global workforce. Also this month LNTV talks to Charles Jennings about the launch of the 702010 Institute and the 702010 model’s focus on high performance.
This month’s LNTV programme is on Thursday 28 July, starting at 8.00 pm UK time, with Ady Howes’ live social stream from 7.45 pm for viewers to join in with.
The full programme of interviews and features for July’s LNTV show:
Charles Jennings talks about the launch of the 702010 Institute, his latest book Towards 100% Performance, and discusses how 702010 is a model about high performance and is simply not about the numbers.
Sarah Lindsell, Director of Global Learning and Transformation at PwC, talks about how she manages to ensure skills and performance are consistent across the organisation's 210,000 global staff.
Owen Ferguson, COO of Good Practice, talks to Kim about some of the major findings from their recent research Inside The Heads of Managers.
Michelle Parry-Slater continues her series on modern workplace learning and this month she focuses on the value of a Personal Learning Network and how to set one up.
Australia correspondent Helen Blunden talks to Garrett Gleim about how the organisation's 3D Audio is enabling virtual working through virtual classrooms.
US correspondent Brent Schlenker introduces our new member of the LNTV US team Tom Spiglanin. Tom recently interviewed Shannon Tipton where he asks her about Learning Rebels and their 30 Day Video Challenge.
Nice Media recently launched an interactive drama The Leadership Angel and we can see some of the action at the launch event.
The next Learning Now tv programme is on Thursday July 28, 8.00 pm UK time with the regular live social stream with Ady Howes from 7.45 pm.