Empowering women leaders on Learning Now tv
On November’s Learning Now tv Sarah Frame and Marilyn Gilchrist talk about the Aspire Women's Network, which aims to get a global financial institution to take women into senior positions.
This month Learning Now tv turns its spotlight on female representation in the boardroom.
Women occupy just one in nine board-level positions at leading financial institutions. What can the learning and development sector do to address this? Learning Now tv turns to the Aspire Women’s Network to find out.
Also on this month’s Learning Now tv: gamification in train-the-trainer programmes, reviews of two huge US conferences Masie Learning and DevLearn, engaging post-millennial students, differences in learning across the generations, video learning tools and more.
November’s Learning Now tv also gets a second broadcast slot: those who miss the regular 8 pm Thursday broadcast this week now get the chance to see the show the following day at 10 am. And as usual the show is available on catch up from the LNTV website three days later.
The full programme of interviews and features for November’s LNTV show:
Sarah Frame and Marilyn Gilchrist talk about the Aspire Women's Network which aims to get a global financial institution to take women into senior positions.
Krystyna Gadd talks about the use of gamification in her train the trainer programmes which is producing amazing results.
Nigel Paine and Lisa Minogue-White discuss the value of attending the two largest L&D conferences in the US - Masie Learning and DevLearn.
Carl Hodler, co-founder of LearnerLab, discusses their latest research findings on how to engage post-millennial students.
Helen Blunden, our Australia correspondent, went to a huge event for bloggers and interviewed some of the delegates and speakers.
Our regular US correspondent Brent Schlenker poses the question 'How do the different generations learn and is there a difference?' He heads off to a skateboard park to find out.
Michelle Parry-Slater talks about the difference between social learning and social media learning and looks at some of the tools for learning and collaboration.
Martin Couzins' regular research focus this month spotlights wellbeing but in particular taking time out to rest and why it is so important to 'recharge your batteries'.
US correspondent Tom Spiglanin starts his new series on how to produce videos with equipment you already have for workplace learning.
The next Learning Now tv programme is on Thursday November 24, 8.00 pm UK time with the regular live social stream with Colin Steed from 7.45 pm; and again on Friday November 25, 10 am UK time.