Applying Pokemon Go to learning
On August’s Learning Now tv Mel Milloway discusses Pokemon Go and its application for learning. Plus GSK’s global Director of Learning Quality and insights into learning design with PwC.
On this month’s Learning Now tv, US correspondent Brent Schlenker talks to Mel Milloway about Pokemon Go and its application for learning. Nigel Paine interviews Sue Bradshaw, GSK’s global Director of Learning Quality, plus insights into learning design with PwC’s Martina Donnelly.
This month’s LNTV programme is on Thursday 25 August, starting at 8.00 pm UK time, with Ady Howes’ live social stream from 7.45 pm for viewers to join in with.
The full programme of interviews and features for August’s LNTV show:
Sue Bradshaw talks to Nigel about her role as global Director of Learning Quality at GSK.
US correspondent Brent Schlenker talks to Mel Milloway about Pokemon Go and its application for learning.
Kim talks to Peter Casebow, CEO at Good Practice, about building a case for evidence in L&D.
Michelle Parry-Slater's regular No Plasters spot comes directly from her holiday in Portugal.
Virginie Chasseriau talks to Nigel about her 5 steps for creating learning content.
Martina Donnelly, a learning designer at PwC, discusses her recent project.
From the US Tom Spiglanin talks to his colleague at the Aerospace Institute about the challenges of L&D in a complex organisation.
Sarah Frame discusses the recent legislation affecting organisations and women's development.
The next Learning Now tv programme is on Thursday August 25, 8.00 pm UK time with the regular live social stream with Ady Howes from 7.45 pm.