LPI certifications underpin Microsoft’s ‘Facilitation Excellence’ initiative
Microsoft Global Learning offers employees world-class virtual facilitation upskilling via partnership with LPI.
The LPI’s flagship certifications in virtual facilitation have been integrated into Microsoft’s Facilitation Excellence initiative, enabling Microsoft employees to access and deliver world-class virtual learning.
The initiative, known as the Facilitation Excellence program, aims to help facilitators develop empathetic and intelligent leadership skills, empowering a culture of learning through intentional and skillful group conversations.
Microsoft facilitators embarking on the framework will complete either the Certified Online Learning Facilitator (COLF) or the Essential Online Delivery Skills (EODS) certification, both designed and delivered by the LPI.
With the LPI's globally-recognised certifications as a foundation, facilitators can progress to build aptitudes in leadership principles and growth mindset.
Facilitators will also be invited to a bespoke Facilitative Leadership experience, where they can develop advanced skills to facilitate group dynamics and complex issues for behavioral and cultural transformation.
Speaking about the framework, Ed Monk, CEO, LPI said: “Microsoft’s Facilitation Excellence program demonstrates that here is an organisation that deeply understands its employees and their potential. Not only does it acknowledge that virtual facilitation is now, and will continue to be, an essential skill to deliver formal and informal learning, but that it is indeed a gateway to leadership development.
“Facilitation is the key to engaging participants, minimizing off-topic tangents, and effectively steering your audience towards a common goal. It’s the secret weapon that unlocks the inherent potential within a group of individuals - building connection and encouraging collaboration. It’s leadership in its most effective form.
“With two of the LPI’s market-leading facilitation certifications included in Microsoft’s Facilitation Excellence program, I am confident that Microsoft employees will not only gain the skills to deliver highly-effective virtual learning, but also be inspired to transform themselves into the leaders of tomorrow.”
Microsoft, Facilitation Excellence, are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.
More information on COLF and EODS can be found at the LPI website