Fuse Universal presents case studies on learning engagement at LEARNING LIVE 2018
Fuse Universal’s workshop divulges how global organisations are increasing learning engagement by analysing data and highlighting correlations between learning engagement and improved business performance.
The Learning and Performance Institute (LPI) is pleased to announce that accredited learning provider, Fuse Universal will be conducting a business solution workshop at LEARNING LIVE 2018.
Fuse Universal’s session will divulge how leading global organisations are increasing learning engagement by up to 7,000% by analysing data and highlighting correlations between learning engagement and improved business performance. Using real-life examples, the workshop will explore how digital L&D departments have transformed by modernising their content strategy, using new techniques to improve employee business performance and using new learning technologies into a consumer-grade experience that significantly increases user engagement.
Presented by Steve Dineen, CEO at Fuse Universal, the session entitled “How to Create and Foster an Organisational Learning Culture Through Digital Learning Experience” will take place on September 5th at 16:15 in Bishopsgate 1 at LEARNING LIVE 2018.
LEARNING LIVE takes place at 155 Bishopsgate, London on 5-6 September 2018. For more details about the session and the full event programme, visit http://learning-live.com/learninglive/conference-programme/