News story

Charity Learning Consortium announces membership agreement with The Learning and Performance Institute

Coventry, UKLearning NewsLPI (Learning and Performance Institute)

The agreement will see all members of The Charity Learning Consortium gain Learning and Performance Institute membership

The Charity Learning Consortium (CLC) consists of more than 100 organisations from the charity and not for profit sector. The largest group of UK based charities collaborating to make eLearning affordable, The Consortium makes online learning available to countless volunteers and well over 100,000 voluntary sector staff

The agreement with The Learning and Performance Institute (LPI) will see one employee from each of the CLC’s member organisations join the LPI. Membership of the Institute will provide them with access to sector resources, networking opportunities, career support and professional recognition.

Edmund Monk, Managing Director, LPI said: “I’m delighted to welcome CLC members to the LPI. The team at The Charity Learning Consortium work tirelessly to help support so many worthy organisations. Through LPI membership we now have the opportunity to support a representative from each of these organisations on an individual basis.

“We are also keen to use this agreement as a stepping stone to cement an ongoing partnership with the CLC, firming up our support of its central ethos of helping the charity and community sector.”

Martin Baker, founder and CEO of The Charity Learning Consortium commented: “We’re delighted to have formed this partnership with the Learning and Performance Institute, which adds even greater value to the broad range of benefits on offer to members of the Consortium.

“Our members constantly strive to excel in the development of their staff and volunteers, despite their restricted resources, with innovative approaches to learning. I’m sure that membership of the LPI will help to further support them in these aims”


Notes to Editors:

The Charity Learning Consortium (CLC) enables cost effective eLearning within more than 100 Civil Society organisations, making online learning available to countless volunteers and well over 100,000 staff. We’re the largest group of charities, housing associations and not for profits working in the voluntary sector in the UK, collaborating to make eLearning affordable.

Organisations join us to save money, but also benefit from networking with others with similar aims, learning from each other and sharing resources, ideas and best practice. Members also enjoy special discounts and specialist workshops designed to help them make the most of eLearning.

Collaboration is at the heart of what we do.

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