News story

Training 2010 Less Than a Week Away

Coventry, UKLearning NewsLPI (Learning and Performance Institute)

The UK training industry is gearing up for the seventh IITT National Training Conference and Exhibition

Training 2010 takes place at the 5-star London Marriott, Grosvenor Square, on the 7th and 8th of September. This year’s event aims to guide delegates through various industry changes as well as identifying new skills which will be important for trainers throughout 2011.

The conference begins with an open day on Tuesday 7th September, which is free to attend and includes access to the Training 2010 exhibition and keynote presentation from Bob Mosher, Global Chief Learning Strategy and Evangelist at LearningGuide Solutions. On the evening of 7th September, those booked on the conference will attend the highly popular Welcome Reception and Networking Dinner, providing delegates with the chance to network and exchange ideas and experiences with industry peers.

Wednesday 8th September marks the start of the conference sessions and workshops featuring a host of interactive presentations covering a variety of topics from The BBC model for content creation of e-Learning materials to Undoing bad presentation habits.

David Field, Director, Training Synergy believes the conference and exhibition will be particularly beneficial for freelance trainers. He said; “In today’s climate freelance trainers need to be able to justify the investment in attending a conference. Training 2010 has been designed with this in mind; the sessions and workshops have been carefully planned to ensure that a good variety of content is provided as well as an opportunity to network with peers and potential clients.

“The appointment of a new government coupled with a volatile economic climate underlines the importance of the Training 2010 conference in providing trainers with information on new trends and opportunities.”

Training Synergy members now have the opportunity to register for Training 2010 at an exclusive rate. For more information, contact James Bossi on: 0845 006 8858 or e-mail: [email protected].

The IITT have a limited number of delegate places remaining at the Training 2010 conference, requests for the remaining places will be dealt with on a strictly first come, first serve basis.