News story

Training Synergy awards new IITT/BCS certificates

Coventry, UKLearning NewsLPI (Learning and Performance Institute)

On 18th March Training Synergy awarded some of its first certificates under the Institute of IT Training's new Trainer Performance & Monitoring Assessment service (TPMA).


Teju Oyegoke, Louise Funnell and Harris Bokhari were amongst the first candidates to receive their new IITT/BCS certificate in Training Practice, also known as Institute Certified TrainingTraining Synergy awards new IITT/BCS certificates Practitioner certificate (ICTP). All three attended Training Synergy's 2-day TPMA Refresher Workshop with Assessment which enables trainers to take a close look at their own training skills before undertaking the TPMA assessment on day two.

The course was a huge success with all three delegates passing with flying colours. The trainers agreed that having the time to practice their delivery on day one gave them additional confidence to pass the assessment on day two.

'The workshop was well structured yet it made room for individual styles and personalities to be utilised' commented Teju. Louise added 'it was extremely beneficial being able to observe someone else's training session' while Harris remarked 'I felt that Training Synergy had created an incredibly supportive environment which enabled me to focus on getting my training session right'.

Training Synergy has been awarded by the IITT the status of Authorised Qualification & Assessment Centre (AQAC). This means it can offer trainers several ways in which to demonstrate that they meet the national standards provided by Trainer Performance Monitoring and Assessment (TPMA). They can attend either a half-day, two day or four day event (aimed at new or less experienced trainers). At the end of each course trainers will deliver a 30 minute training session which will be assessed by one of Training Synergy's certified TPMA assessors.

The TPMA service is authorised, governed and monitored by the Institute of IT Training (IITT). The resultant certificate, jointly awarded by the IITT and the BCS, is a testament to the training professional's quality of performance in a live environment aligned to national standards - a real quality benchmark of training that has a focus on successful learning. The service is not just restricted to IT trainers and can be tailored dependent on skills and experience.

For further further information contact [email protected] or call us on 0800 072 9844.