![New benchmark study proves vital role of line managers in transfer of learning](/media/764798/knowledgepool.png)
New benchmark study proves vital role of line managers in transfer of learning
A quarter of all training is wasted because delegates do not get the chance to apply their learning and they are not adequately supported by their line manager, according to a new Kirkpatrick Level 3 benchmark study from KnowledgePool, the managed learning services company.
The results of the survey, which involved over 1,000 delegates from major UK public and private sector organisations, enabled KnowledgePool to create 'national average' scores for post-training feedback, such as whether the learning has been transferred to the workplace, how it has impacted on the performance of the learner and the support provided by the line manager.
According to the study, 70% of training delegates claim they have the opportunity to apply their learning, regardless of the subject matter. Of the 30% who did not get the opportunity to apply what they learned, five out of six - that is, 25% of the total delegates - say they are not supported by their line manager.
"Most training delivery is evaluated at Kirkpatrick Level 1, using 'happy sheets', and the results are invariably good," said Kevin Lovell, Learning Strategy Director at KnowledgePool. "But Level 1 happens before delegates have the chance to apply what they learn. Ask them two months later whether they used what they learned, how much line manager support they received or about their perceived performance improvement and you often get a very different picture. This survey clearly illustrates that line managers play a pivotal role because where their support is evident, there is a much higher transfer of learning to the workplace."
This trend is confirmed by individual performance improvement results. KnowledgePool's national average scores show that delegates with an opportunity to apply what they learned reported performance improvement scores roughly double that of delegates who could not apply what they learned. Similarly, delegates receiving line manager support enhanced performance by around 30%, compared to those without line manager support.
KnowledgePool is utilising these benchmark scores in a new service offering for its managed service clients. The company has introduced a generic evaluation tool which automatically conducts behavioural change and business benefit evaluations - that is, Kirkpatrick levels 3 and 4 - for any learning intervention. It then benchmarks the results against the national average scores.
Post-training feedback is collected from delegates and their managers via online questionnaires, coordinated by KnowledgePool's leading-edge training administration system. Called LiveBooker, this system automatically manages the process of selecting, booking and evaluating training. Level 1 evaluations are conducted immediately after the course and level 3 evaluations ten weeks later.
"Our clients want to know how learning is impacting on their organisational performance," said Kevin Lovell. "Using a standard questionnaire, we can conduct Kirkpatrick level 3 evaluations for any learning whether it is face-to-face, e-learning, in-house or a public scheduled course. It doesn't provide an in-depth analysis of each course but it does give learning & development departments evidence of the performance improvement resulting from training. The results for each course can be compared against the national average scores, to highlight those courses which are delivering above-average or below-average levels of performance improvement."
KnowledgePool is the UK's leading provider of vendor-independent managed learning services, with clients such as British Airways, Merrill Lynch, Fujitsu Services, the Competition Commission, the Home Office, Lloyds TSB, and Orange.