Kineo shares insights for yawn-proofing your e-learning
Brighton, UKLearning NewsKineo
Finding yourself in need of inspiration to keep your learners awake and focused in your courses? Kineo’s new free guide shares 10 ways to get learners sitting up and engaged in e-learning.
Kineo, a leading learning company, has been sharing tips and advice on how to design effective and engaging e-learning since 2005, including a weekly top tips column. Following on a successful workshop at DevLearn ’09 in San Jose, Kineo has created a new guide capturing key points for ensuring e-learning is designed to make maximum impact without requiring a massive outlay.
The guide, entitled “10 ways to yawn-proof your e-learning without busting the bank” is available for free at Kineo’s website. It includes practical advice and examples to help designers to
1) Get attention from the outset by taking unconventional approaches 2) Get real stories into your e-learning 3) Maintain performance after the e-learning
Kineo partner, Stephen Walsh says: “These are the ways we ensure that our own e-learning design for our clients engages and motivates learners – we’re happy to share them to help ensure we’re all doing the best we can in design and work together to raise standards in e-learning.”