News story

'Simple steps for creating a mindful workplace' at Learning & Skills 2015

Learning NewsJigsaw@work

At the learning and skills exhibition, Jigsaw@work is delivering a series of workshops to discuss how mindfulness impacts upon performance and wellbeing, the science behind the practice and introduce simple and practical ways to create a mindful workplace.

Mindfulness is fast becoming a must have for leaders and their teams if they are to thrive and sustain effectiveness in the busyness of a 24/7 365 frantic world. The busyness of working in a 24/7 365 world of interconnectedness is often distracting and limits our capacity for clear thinking and good decision making. At the forthcoming Learning & Skills exhibition Michelle McArthur-Morgan, Managing Partner and Brain Mechanic at Jigsaw@work, will be delivering a number of free workshops to provide delegates with simple and practical ways of creating a workplace where employees are able to thrive and achieve sustainable effectiveness.

During the workshops Michelle will be sharing her experience and knowledge of Mindfulness practice and its application within the modern workplace.

People who are more adept at working with their mind and mental states perform better that benefits their teams, colleagues, clients, customers and all other stakeholders.

“There has been thousands of studies conducted on various aspects of mindfulness and on that basis I can say with confidence that mindfulness training enhances focus and attention, increases awareness, raises levels of resilience and strengthens cognitive effectiveness.” said Michelle.

Mindfulness at work training is fast becoming accepted as an essential core programme for leaders and their teams. The five core areas which mindfulness can impact upon in the workplace are leadership & strategic thinking, productivity, self management, interpersonal relationships and wellbeing.

Only this week at the World Economic Forum in Davos, a conference room jammed full with over 100 of the global elite came together for “Leading Mindfully”. A panel discussion with a mix of breathing instruction, management theory and personal reflection, the session focused upon how mediation is impacting the workplace. According to a report in the New York Times, Jon Kabat-Zinn, a molecular biologist who helped popularize mindfulness meditation in recent decades, said: “This is a very unusual event at the World Economic Forum, and it’s diagnostic of something much larger that is happening.”