Growth Engineering to Launch Revolutionary New Learning Games Department
Growth Engineering is investing in learning games and dramatically expanding its development capabilities in gamified and game based learning.
The creation of a new department dedicated entirely to making game-based learning more accessible puts clear blue water between Growth Engineering and other content authoring tool providers.
They will be building on their award-winning game-based authoring tool, Genie, and bringing consumer-grade game templates to the world of L&D. The focus of this department will be on new, more advanced game templates and game mechanics that content creators can utilise without requiring any technical knowledge.
Juliette Denny, Growth Engineering’s Ideologist in Chief, had this to say about the announcement: “This isn’t simply about updating our library of game templates. Instead, it’s about changing the conversation in the industry. The question we really want people to be asking is ‘what does it mean to learn?’. This announcement is undoubtedly a game-changer for our industry - watch this space.”
Department head, Ben Claiden, says “We are all incredibly excited to take our unparalleled background in learning games and run with it to create something new. The team we are putting together is an elite squad of outstanding developers who want to bring about real change in the L&D industry. It's hard to overstate how excited I am about this new venture."
The new customisable game templates will be available within Genie for content builders across the globe and will be exportable as SCORM, xAPI and cmi5 files. Designed as a mobile-first product, the games will look beautiful and perform well on all devices. Genie is compatible with all compliant systems, but extra features will be available when used in conjunction with Growth Engineering’s Academy LMS and Knowledge Arcade mobile app.