Global Knowledge launches award-winning portfolio of Leadership and Business Skills
~ a one-stop solution for ‘building the performance’ of your workforce ~
IT and Business Skills training provider, Global Knowledge, today announced the launch of a comprehensive and award-winning portfolio of Leadership and Business Skills. This portfolio, part of Global Knowledge’s ‘building performance series’ is designed to offer organisations a one-stop solution for developing the capability of their workforce. At the heart of this is the understanding that people will deliver optimum performance when they have a rounded set of capabilities, whatever their job role or level they operate at.
Organisations that invest in developing their workforce’s technical skills reap a benefit from individuals being able to employ those skills in the workplace; but those organisations that also invest in developing their workforce’s leadership and business skills reap increased benefit from individuals and teams being able to more effectively co-ordinate and employ all their skills and competencies to their full potential.
“Developing proficiency in key skill areas is essential. However, many organisations make the mistake of concentrating solely on the development of ‘specialist’ skills, often at the expense of other complementary – and critical – capabilities” said Allan Pettman, UK Managing Director at Global Knowledge.
“Many courses are aligned to vendor specific technologies or recognised bodies of knowledge such as ISEB, APMG and PMI which assist with implementing good practice and the confidence that comes from industry recognised qualifications and ratified standards. Strong technical skills in today’s business environment is now a pre-requisitive, however, to be considered as having a ‘rounded’ set of business competencies employees need strong inter-personal and communication skills in order to maximise productivity and personal effectiveness. For example, a Project Manager may understand the business method (such as PRINCE2®) to perform their primary role, but often their success will be influenced by their abilities and confidence in skills to plan and manage time, communication and stakeholders as an example. Our programmes complement each other to provide a strong base for delivering measurable improvements in employee performance. They also have a practical focus; that is, they are designed to enable new skills and knowledge to be applied immediately back in the workplace” said Pettman.
Through acquisition Global Knowledge has expanded their offering to include a wide array of industry recognised learning programmes and professional training services that have been helping organisations of all size achieve their business goals for the past 20 years. This robust industry-leading suite of programmes can help leaders and individuals at any level within an organisation develop skills and competencies in Leadership, Team Effectiveness, Sales and Service, Personal Effectiveness and Organisational Effectiveness.
“Poor leadership and management can threaten the success of business activities and projects despite the presence of excellent technical or management skills. The cumulative effect of developing the personal skills of individuals and their ability to work as part of a team may sometimes be hard to measure; but indicators such as workforce retention, job satisfaction, improvement in quality and increased productivity will have a beneficial effect on the organisation’s bottom line” added Pettman.
For more information on Global Knowledge’s Leadership and Business Skills portfolio, visit www.globalknowledge.co.uk/lbs