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Filtered tackles workforce productivity in today’s mobile landscape with Office 365 course

LondonLearning NewsFiltered

Personalized online training providers aim to increase workplace productivity by launching Digital Collaboration with Office 365 course.

Whether in the office, at home, or on the road, today's workforce is becoming more and more mobile. Recent research by the International Data Corporation (IDC) forecasts U.S. mobile worker population will surpass 105 million by 2020; in 2016 the percentage of employees equipped with a smartphone will increase from 59% to 65% in the Western Europe region, with prices for these devices continuously dropping. (Sources: U.S. Mobile Worker Forecast, 2015-2020; Western Europe Mobile Worker Forecast, 2015-2020)

Demands on knowledge workers are also changing. Companies are increasingly looking for ways to keep productivity high while offering employees the flexibility to work more freely.

With this shift in working style, it’s important for businesses to capitalize on the benefits of a mobile workforce while ensuring that the calibre of work delivered remains at a consistently high standard.

Personalized online training specialists Filtered are helping businesses to embrace this change by offering training in Microsoft’s Office 365, which allows individuals to work and collaborate anywhere, on any kind of device, while safeguarding data.

Filtered’s Digital Collaboration with Office 365 course looks at the key features of Office 365 and how to support collaboration and communication in the workplace. For example by teaching staff to monitor and collaborate on projects and tasks, share knowledge and content, and use social and communication tools efficiently.

The course features Filtered’s adaptive algorithm which tailors the course material to each individual’s needs, removing content from the syllabus which they already know or is irrelevant to their job role. This leaves a personalized learning experience and in turn increases adoption, engagement and impact of course material (read more about Filtered’s approach).

Filtered CEO Marc Zao-Sanders commented: “At Filtered we’re all about offering businesses the skills needed to increase proficiency and productivity. In this ever changing business landscape it’s important to be able to rely on your staff to produce their best possible work at all times. This puts even greater emphasis on the need for adequate training, especially as all latest research confirm today’s workforce spend just 1% of their total time on learning and development. So this course gives companies a tangible tool to empower their staff to work and collaborate wherever they are, regardless of devices or locations.”

The Digital Collaboration in Office 365 course is just one among a number of software courses which Filtered offer. To find out more take a look at the Filtered course library, visit the Digital Collaboration in Office 365 webpage or call the team on +44 (0)20 7729 9043.