Filtered and the LPI join forces to host event on personalization in online training
Filtered has teamed up with L&D professional body, The Learning and Performance Institute, to host an event in central London on personalization in online training. Speaker experts include Donald Clark and Steve Wheeler.
Personalization has become prevalent in a number of online retailers (Amazon, Netflix, Spotify) for some time and has begun to make an impact in Learning & Development. Personalized Training: If not now, when? will focus on personalization and the serving of individual customer experiences using big data.
The event will consist of a series of talks from experts and a panel discussion led by Steve Wheeler, all of which will debate the inputs (data, technology, science, algorithms) as well as the outcomes (better adoption, engagement, impact) of effective personalized learning. Attendees will include senior L&D and training managers from a range of industries and organisations such as New Look, Apple, Regus, ICAEW and Microsoft.
When asked about the event, Filtered's MD and co-founder Marc Zao-Sanders commented: "Personalization is coming. We're excited to be at the heart of it but this event is about bringing the leading experts and practitioners together to galvanise and accelerate thinking in this area. If we can get it right the prize is enormous, more productive, more fulfilled staff, learning just what they need to learn, when they need it. Every industry expert from Josh Bersin to Elliot Masie predicts that personalization will revolutionise the way firms upskill their staff over the next few years and we want the UK workforce to be at the front of this."
Edmund Monk, Managing Director of The Learning and Performance Institute echoed these comments: "It's no secret that personalisation of learning and a specific focus on the digital learner experience is one of the vital areas which all learning professionals need to address. The consumption of web information at the time of need is fast outpacing traditional learning provision. How do we engage with this trend and ensure we are providing modern solutions? LPI has led the way for the last twenty years in ensuring that workplace training plays an intrinsic role in the performance of UK business. This event continues that commitment and I am looking forward to the talks and to being a part of a distinguished panel."
The event takes place at The Grange Hotel, St. Paul's, London on Tuesday 20 October (1pm-5pm). Registration is available via the event webpage: Personalized Training: If not now, when?