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Working with L&D leaders in strategic roles

Learning NewsNews features

Interview with Andy Lancaster on his new role as Learning Community Lead with CLO100, his latest book, Organizational Learning Communities and his new consultancy, Reimagine People Development.


CLO100 has announced that Andy Lancaster is appointed as its Learning Community Lead. Andy Lancaster, one of the best-known personalities in L&D, was until recently Head of Learning at CIPD. Andy has now set up a new consultancy and as part of his work he's leading CLO100's community.

CLO100's aim is to elevate leaders in learning into strategic positions in their organisations so that they, this industry, can better influence organisational success.

The community lead at CLO100 is a pivotal role in getting Chief Learning Officers the right skills and support. To find out what Andy's got planned, and about his new book and consultancy, Andy joins Learning News.

Programme links

Organizational Learning Communities
Reimagine People Development