News story

Workforce readiness gap widening across the generations

Learning NewsNews features

Report from Cornerstone shows the differences in readiness between GenZ, Millennials, GenX and Boomers.


There's a widening gap between what employees expect and the support they get from employers, particularly among younger workers and there's a generational divide between GenZ, Millennials, GenX and older workers which is leaving organisations struggling to keep up with the pace of change. 

Research from Cornerstone has uncovered concerning trends in workforce readiness and employee satisfaction across generations in the UK. 

And it's millennials that stand out as the generation most disconnected from employers. And they are much more likely to quit their jobs in the next 6 months, compared to the others. 

Dominic Holmes from Cornerstone led the research and joins Learning News.


Programme notes

Cornerstone and Lighthouse Report: The Workforce Readiness Gap