News story

Skills replaces compliance as #1 driver for L&D

FoswayLearning NewsNews features

Digital Learning Realities 2024 - Learning Priorities and Learning Strategy; interview with David Perring, Fosway.


The biggest driver for investment in learning and development is changing. The long-standing priorities of compliance, mandatory and regulatory training, which have just been ahead of skills as the top driver for L&D activity, have now been supplanted in 2024 by the need to upskill and reskill the workforce. 

This is a shift in strategic priorities for learning teams and the C-Suite, and a welcome opportunity for employees. 

The findings are the first in a series of five reports coming out from Fosway this month and into October. The others look at budgets, AI, learning experience and technology. Learning News is covering each one and today it's learning strategy and the shift to skills. 

Programme links
Digital Learning Realities 2024 part 1