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Sales-aware AI

ImpartaLearning NewsNews features

Richard Barkey joins Learning News to explain how Imparta is helping sales teams with its sales methodology-aware AI technology, i-Coach AI.

Richard Barkey joins Learning News to explain how Imparta is helping sales teams with its Sales-aware AI technology
Richard Barkey joins Learning News to explain how Imparta is helping sales teams with its Sales-aware AI technology 

GenAI is a genuinely transformative technology that no sales organisation can ignore. At the same time, generic AI is actually very bad at selling. It can save time, but you won’t get a competitive edge by summarising calls and writing bland emails in bulk.

Imparta is a sales technology and training provider that equips genAI models with companies' product and services data and sales language and helps deploy it for the sales teams. It has released the world's first sales methodology-aware AI: i-Coach AI, fluent in all aspects of sales, account management, negotiation, customer success, commercial and business acumen, sales management and sales leadership.

Richard Barkey is Imparta's founder and joins Learning News to explain all about it.

Imparta is part-way through a webinar series: Leveraging Sales-Aware AI at Scale. The next webinar date is 10 September. It's free to attend and registration is available via Imparta's website: Leveraging Sales-Aware AI at Scale.