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Leadership and management skills: Mind Tools interview

Learning NewsNews features

Mind Tools CEO, Shabnam Shahani and Chief Impact Officer, Nahdia Khan, discuss their research into what makes a good manager in 2024 and how Mind Tools is evolving.


Leadership and management skills: can L&D really deliver what's needed? Is it keeping pace with today's business world? Leadership training has been referred to as a cult, obsessed around by L&D people eager to please their most senior stakeholders. On the other hand, half of managers don't receive any training at all and the research shows these become worse managers than the half that do. 

Mind Tools is one of Learning and Development's best known leadership and management skills brands. It expanded pre-Covid, acquiring digital learning tools and the L&D maturity research programme. Five years on, Mind Tools is asking fundamental questions about its brand and its focus in 2024. 

To help, it commissioned the research company YouGov to identify the pain points people experience as they transition into leaders and managers and is reinforcing its core expertise in leadership and management development. To explain what it learnt and Mind Tools' market proposition, CEO, Shabnam Shahani and Chief Impact Officer, Nahdia Khan, who led the research with YouGov, join Learning News.

Programme links

Download the report: Building Better Managers