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AI and L&D: AI’s Impact Today and Tomorrow

Fosway Digital Learning Realities 2024Learning NewsNews features

Adoption of AI in learning has only truly progressed for a small minority of L&D teams; interview with David Perring exploring the 3rd in Fosway's series of Digital Learning Realities reports.


Expectations for the impact of AI on L&D continue to run high, but scepticism about the hype has also grown this year. 

What are the realities for how AI is used in L&D? What are the reasons for adopting it? Are the platforms delivering? How are applications like co-pilots disrupting the experience? Fosway's annual Digital Learning Realities report has the answers and David Perring is back with Learning News continuing the 2024 series.

  • Copilots and AI starting to disrupt the learning experience.
  • LMS and LXPs failing to keep up with expectations for AI in learning.
  • Adoption of AI in learning has only truly progressed for a small minority of L&D teams.
  • Main reasons for adopting AI are learning efficiency, learning effectiveness, learning team productivity and greater personalisation in the learning experience.

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Digital Learning Realities 2024