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Interview with Gary Lipkowitz, CEO Vyond

VyondLearning NewsNews features

Video creation in L&D, we're getting to grips with it and likely going to see a lot more of it. According to Vyond chief, Gary Lipkowitz.


Professional communicators, whether those in learning and development or sales, marketing or any area of business, know that video is essential for reaching their audiences. But scaling creating video across an organization is hard. There's the video skills themselves, traditionally a significant investment for an L&D team and things like brand compliance and information security which can feel elusive and slow down the wide-scale adoption of video.

One company immersed in this world is the video creation software company, Vyond. It aims to make creating video and animation more accessible to more business users and its CEO, Gary Lipkowitz, joins Learning News.

Check out more feature inteviews with the CEOs of learning providers.