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Interview with Patrick Jocelyn, Omniplex Learning’s new CEO

Omniplex LearningLearning NewsNews features

Omniplex Learning has appointed a new CEO, Patrick Jocelyn replaces the former CEO and founder, Matthew Lloyd. Patrick Jocelyn joins Learning News with his plans for the rapidly expanding elearning services business.


Omniplex Learning has 30 years experience in online learning. It provides the Articulate elearning tool and training on how to use it, the Docebo learning management system and video and virtual reality workplace learning products.

In the last few years it's had significant growth. During the pandemic, Omniplex Learning found itself at the centre of the rush to get training online.

It's attracted a multi-million pound investment and has expanded its products. Most notably buying a software implementation app, rebranded Omniplex Guide, which helps to make sure digital programmes and technology projects get implemented properly. And Omniplex Learning has a new tag line, learning connected, which explains perhaps where Omniplex Learning sees its priority.

To get into all of this its new CEO, Patrick Jocelyn, is here on Learning News today.

Check out more features and interviews with learning sector CEOs.