eXact learning solutions reveals new content model skins
The global learning company, eXact learning solutions, has recently updated the ‘HM’ content model associated with its learning content management system (LCMS).
Now in its third version, the content model – known as ‘HM’ – is intended to help users create engaging learning materials which are delivered online.
Fabrizio Giorgini, eXact learning solutions’ R&D Manager, said, “HM3.0 lets users choose and personalize each learning package’s ‘skin’. Indeed, we’ve introduced two new skins in addition to the standard - ‘classic’ - skin.
“There’s a business skin, for use with content that targets a corporate audience,” he added. “It includes all the tools present in eXact’s classic skin, including navigation, resources, glossary, help section and print.
“There’s also a ‘kids’ skin, which is appropriate for those – notably in the education sector – who create content for pupils and younger students. The skin incorporates commands in a control panel and can be used by learners ranging from toddlers to adults, scaling according to awareness and skills.”
In addition, HM3.0’s grid and panel allow users – with one click of a mouse - to modify the colours and any logo displayed on screen. HM operates seamlessly with the other products in eXact learning solutions’ suite – notably the eXact learning Packager authoring tool and its online counterpart, Online Editor.
To help explain this technology – along with other aspects of authoring on the eXact learning solutions’ platform - to users and potential users, the Italy-based eXact learning solutions is staging a webinar on 27th July. The webinar is another in the company’s summer series, called ‘eXactly on Wednesdays’.
Federico Dondero, of eXact learning solutions, said: “While the focus of the session is on HM 3.0, the webinar – eXactly on Wednesdays: HM 3.0 - will also explain some of the contemporary features of eXact learning solutions’ authoring tools and LCMS.”
Those wanting to know more about HM3.0 can attend the webinar, being held on Wednesday 27th July at 17.00 to 17.45 CET (16.00 – 16.45 BST, 11.00 – 11.45 EDT and 08.00 – 08.45 PDT). To register for this event, visit: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1943464143618412801.