eXact learning solutions adds a new authoring feature to its LCMS
In September’s new release of its learning content management system (LCMS), global learning company, eXact learning solutions, is expanding users’ authoring options.
In particular, it’s introducing a companion to ‘HM’, its XML-based templates library for generating e-learning content. The new feature is called ‘Document Model’ (DM).
Valerio Torda, eXact learning solutions’ Managing Director, explained, “While HM is eXact learning solutions’ Content Model for developing pure e-learning - focusing on the standard ‘learn and test’ approach, DM will be key for those organizations that need to produce engaging material for instructor-led training (ILT)-based scenarios.
“DM enables users to create technical manuals, guides, advanced textbooks and so on,” he continued.
“While HM helps to build screens reading from left to right, DM’s approach is vertical – it’s like building a classic A4 document. It includes elements such as headings, paragraphs, references and so on – but, like HM, it allows users to insert media, images, videos and so on, into the learning material.”
Content created with DM can be delivered online, via eXact learning solutions’ native HTML5 output. Alternatively, it can be delivered in Word or PDF formats via eXact learning solutions’ rendering engines.
“In addition,” said Valerio Torda, “thanks to the system’s ingestion process, users will be able to create DM content starting from a pre-existing Word document. In this instance, the system will automatically map the Word structure and content into DM.
“Naturally, this innovation has full interoperability within the eXact LCMS - and its attendant Content Models. Consequently, users who use assets from within HM - such as a piece of text or an image – will, with one click, be able to reuse these assets within DM, too.”
To help explain the new technology involved in DM to users and potential users of its LCMS, eXact learning solutions is staging a webinar on 28th September. The webinar is the fourth of the company’s popular series, called ‘eXactly on Wednesdays’.
Federico Dondero, of eXact learning solutions, said: “This webinar will focus on DM, along with its rendering engines - notably Word, and PDF.
“Later – on 26th October – a further ‘eXactly on Wednesdays’ webinar will focus on ingestion processes for both HM and DM. In the case of HM, this involves translating PPT to HM and, for DM, the process will involve translating Word to DM.”
Those wanting to know more about DM and its rendering engines can begin by attending the webinar, being held on Wednesday 28th September at 17.00 to 17.45 CET (16.00 – 16.45 BST, 11.00 – 11.45 EDT and 08.00 – 08.45 PDT). Registration is available at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2685635593365714692.